Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of History, Kharazmi University

2 Ph.D Candidate in History of Islamic Iran, Kharazmi Universi


As the most efficient politico-religious institution in Islam, mosques had many socio-political functions and effects on the society in Buyid (Ale-Booyeh) Era (320-447 AH) and was therefore a main constitute of power and authority at the time. The mosques had positive and creative social roles and functions, encouraging convergence and co-interactivity. They have also contributed greatly to the development and sublimity of Islamic Iranian society of BuyidEra.
The position of this divine structure in scientific development and its magnificent role in cultural scientific advancement are highly noticeable. Considering the absence of the notion of a rigorous educational body (such as academies and universities) as known today, the mosque also bore the role of scientific development. Moreover, mosques were a shelter for the needy and passengers who could rest in these buildings during their journeys.
In terms of propagation, mosques in the society of Buyidera were highly effective as an information centre for government and people, and also as a place for public protests. Besides the functions mentioned above, other functions of the mosque such as its defensive and judicial position are also considerable according to historical resources of this Era, which confirm the importance and significance of this divine construction in the life and destiny of Muslims worldwide.
This paper attempts to unveil the roles of the mosque in the mentioned historical period to reach a more thorough understanding of the process of evolution of these social yet divine structures.
