Document Type : Research Article
Khorasan is one of the border regions, an important route and a political center which has witnessed many historical upheavals. The time of invasion and domination of Mogol and the rule of Ilkhanans is one of the important periods in this part of Iran. One of the important consequences of this event has been the changes in the population make up whose results has lasted even to the present. Besides the fact that many were massacred in that historically significant time, a great number of people moved to the other parts of the country or other lands. Many left their homeland Khorasan trying to escape massacre and many more left for other reasons; like political, military and scientific-cultural. At the same time some other people like Turks and Mogols came in to Khorasan. Historical ducuments indicate a catastrophic happenings taking place in the early periods of invasion, without paying much attention to the details. Also not much is said about the coming back of the groups who had escaped and the new groups who came. Therefore the main concern of this article is to discuss these matters and present a concise picture of the population changes of Khorasan in its various dimensions of that period