Document Type : Research Article


1 phd in history / payam noor univercity of tehran

2 faculty member of Institute for police Studies and Social Sciences, PhD student in sociology/Azad Uiversity of Tehran

3 Phd in History/ KHarazmi University


The present study examines the migration of the Iranian workforce to the Caucasus in the second half of the nineteenth century to the constitutional revolution and the role played by Azerbaijan in this regard. current paper, based on the authoritative internal and external sources and with using of a descriptive-analytical method in response to issues such as the reason for the migration of the labor force to the Caucasus and the share of Azerbaijan in it shows that Azerbaijan was the main center for the issuance of migrant labor to the Caucasus, which, in turn, was the result of the general economic downturn in Iran, the decline of Azerbaijan's position as a result of changing the ways of commerce , The high population and the inability of the province's economy to absorb indigenous labor, and on the other hand, the natural consequence of the industrial areas on Beyond the border, and in particular the Caucasus.


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