Document Type : Research Article
1 Associate professor, Art Studies group, Art Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 PhD Student, Art Studies group, Art Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
The advancement of technology in different societies takes different paths. Iran also different paths have been followed in different periods. Muzaffar al-Din Shah on her travels abroad brings a lot of goods with him to Iran so that the Iranian people don’t lag from other countries. But the question is, in fact, what steps were taken to make these phenomena prevalent? What were the features of these steps? What is the relationship between the stages of acceptance of new phenomena in Iran at this time and what is happening in the world? And finally, what is the relationship between the popularity of the technologies and the components of adoption of these technologies? This study is a descriptive, comparative and historical analysis, and the presence of three new technologies during the time of Muzaffar al-Din Shah (cinematographer, car and sewing machine) has been studied. The results show that all three technologies are present in three general stages of court, nobles and popularity in Iranian society. And with regard to the components of consciousness, need, power system, alienation, and the economic situation, Iran has at the time accepted the new phenomena with more delay than the global standard. The ways of acceptance resisting include mythology and horror, in addition to ideological and intellectual negation.