Document Type : Research Article


1 Phd of Archaeology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran,Iran

2 Associate professor of Archaeology in Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.


Scythians were one of the nomadic tribes that after many displacements in the first millennium BC moved into parts of the present-day Iran (Persia). Historical texts such as those of Herodotus and Strabo and also the inscriptions of Assyrian kings all indicate the presence of Scythians in north-west of Iran. Herodotus has mentioned in his writings that when Scythian headed toward the south, they reached the Caucasus through Derbent. Scythian after passing the Caucasus, they met the Assyrians and had a battle (678 BC) and the Assyrians were victorious. One of the valuable excavations that led to finding human burial along with horses was the explorations of Ali Hakemi in Kaluraz and Jouban area of Roodbar city in Gilan Province carried out from 1965 to 1968. Unfortunately completely reports of Archaeological excavations in Roudbar not published at that time, however after 50 years that reports published, so in this paper, the authors deals with the burials that have been undertaken in these sites and the graves that were found there. Comparing and contrasting the findings of this area with Scythians burial styles mentioned in the historical writings as well as the archaeological findings of the original Scythian sites, the researcher explains about the presence of Scythians in northern Iran.


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