Document Type : Research Article


Assistance professor of history, Azad university ,shoushtar branch, shoushtar , Iran.


The superior classes and classes in the Iranian society of the Qajar era have always sought to reflect their differences and social distinctions with respect to the inferior classes and classes in different ways and ways. One of these methods is to show social distinction through means, manners and methods of travel. This research aims to find the appropriate answer to these questions by descriptive-analytical method and by applying Pierre Bourdieu's "distinction" theory: Did the nobles of the Iranian society in the Qajar era travel and its means and customs only as a matter of necessity. Are you looking for something to meet your needs? Did they have an aesthetic and artistic side to it? The view of the lower classes of the Qajar era Iranian society towards the issue of travel and its customs and equipment was based on which of these indicators? The findings of this research show that the privileged sections of the society, who could easily fulfill their basic need for travel and its means, are more in pursuit of revealing and reflecting their identity and social status and showing class identity and pride through Travel etiquette and luxury; Magnificence and beauty were seen in the means of travel, while the mass of people and the lower strata of society did not pay much attention to luxury; Aesthetics or any artistic taste, they look at travel, its customs and equipment only as a tool to meet the need and necessity.


Main Subjects

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