Document Type : Research Article


1 Phd student of Islamic Culture and Civilization, Islamic knowledge university, Qom, Iran,

2 Associated professor of Iranian Studies, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


Islamic customs. one of the rituals of burying the dead was praying the dead. This prayer was performed by the Caliph, emirs and government officials, religious scholars, judges and relatives of the deceased. Jame or Mosalla of the city, mosques, squares, cemeteries and schools of the city and sometimes government places and plains and deserts were the place of prayer for the dead. The social position of the deceased was effective in determining the imam of the congregation and the place of its establishment. The authors of the article seek to answer these questions by examining local histories and biographical books, and with a descriptive-analytical method:
1-What factors were effective and involved in the quality of holding the religious-social ritual of funeral prayer and the place where it was held?
2- Who participated in the funeral prayer and with what intentions and motivations?
Investigations show that factors such as family ties, social and occupational status, and the extent and manner of the deceased's relationship with the ruling political structure have played a role in the quality of prayer and the choice of the place to perform the funeral prayer. Also, the high occupational and social status of the deceased made the elders of the city and many people participate in the funeral prayer with the intention of appreciating the efforts of the deceased and also bowing to religious rituals.


Main Subjects

Extended Abstract

Requiem (Salāt Al-mayyet) in the big cities of Iran during the Islamic period until the Mongol invasion

With the arrival and spread of Islam in Iran, the religion of Islam affected the culture and civilization of Iranians, and the culture and civilization of Iran during the Islamic period manifested itself as a part of Islamic civilization. Knowing the history of Islamic culture and civilization to restore modern Islamic civilization can only be achieved by examining, analyzing and criticizing the constituent elements and details and current customs in it.

In Iran during the Islamic period and with the influence of Islamic law, the dead were buried according to Islamic customs. One of the rituals of burying the dead was performing the dead prayer. Islamic customs in shrouding and burial and prayer for the dead are among the cultural and social phenomena of Iran during the Islamic period. It is a cultural phenomenon because it is connected with human beliefs and is an identity-giving behavior for Muslims and it is a social phenomenon because it is related to the material and spiritual world of the masses of people and the relationships between people.

This research aims to investigate this phenomenon in a part of Islamic civilization, that is, the big cities of Iran during the Islamic period. By the big cities of Iran, we mean the cities and regions about which local history has been written and left behind. Considering that the Mongol invasion is a turning point in the history of Iran, this research covers the period before the Mongol invasion. The authors of the article seek to answer these questions by examining local histories and biographical books, and with a descriptive-analytical method:

1- What factors were effective and involved in the quality of holding the religious-social ritual of funeral prayer and the place where it was held?

2- Who participated in the funeral prayer and with what intentions and motivations?

Investigations show that factors such as family ties, social and occupational status, and the extent and manner of the deceased's relationship with the ruling political structure have played a role in the quality of prayer and the choice of the place to perform the funeral prayer. Also, the high occupational and social status of the deceased made the elders of the city and many people participate in the funeral prayer with the intention of appreciating the efforts of the deceased and also bowing to religious rituals.

Since the topic of this research has no research background and so far no book or article with a historical approach has been written about the prayer for the dead in Iran, in the first step, primary data was extracted from local Iranian history books. Also, some of the most important Tarājem books and Tabaghāt were studied and everything that was mentioned in them were collected. The following article is the result of inference and analysis of information and data extracted from the mentioned sources.

In Islam, it is obligatory to pray the dead prayer over the body of a Muslim before burial. The dead prayer was actually a praise for the deceased Muslims that was held at the end of their life. Muslims would stand in front of the corpses and face the Qibla and ask God for forgiveness and mercy for them.

The prayer for the dead has been determined by Sharia and it has been almost the same in Islamic religions. What is mentioned in the historical sources about the dead prayer is the social aspects of the dead prayer, which is reflected in the difference between the imam of the congregation and the places where the dead prayer is performed.

In general, the position and social position of the deceased was effective in determining the imam of the funeral prayer and the place of holding the funeral prayer. For example, if the deceased was a famous scientist of the city and a large crowd came to pray for him, one of the great scientists of the city would pray for him in the city's large mosque.

According to the scientific or political status of the deceased or his family, Salāt Al-mayyet were usually made by Caliphs, emirs, government agents, religious scholars, Dead relatives in Jāmi’es, mosques, squares, cemeteries, schools or plains and deserts.

Keywords:  Social history of Islamic Iran, Funeral rituals, Requiem (Salāt Al-mayyet), Place of Requiem, Cemetery.


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