Document Type : Research Article


1 Department Of History, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Science Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran, Iran



During the Qajar period, a particular form of ethnic demographic changes and, accordingly, a certain mode of local governance emerged in Khuzestan, partly due to the arrival of new tribes such as Banu Ka'b. In 1306 A.H., With the order to release shipping in the Karun River, the economy of this region attracted international attention. With Khuzestan's social and economic growth in this period, the population structure underwent drastic changes. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the consequences of positive economic trends on the ethnic-demographic structure in the Arab society of Khuzestan. Using a statistical approach together with a logical explanative method, this article explores the evolution of the ethnic structure of Khuzestan during the Qajar period. The research findings demonstrate that, during the late Qajar period, the population of most cities in Khuzestan increased; additionally, the ethnic structure of some of the cities in Khuzestan changed due to economic prosperity and immigration.


Main Subjects