Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Prof. of History, National library and Archives of Iran, tehran, iran.



Following the victory of the Constitutional Revolution movement, numerous demands for reforming labor relations were raised. However, by the end of September 1941, no labor law was ever approved in the National Consultative Assembly. Nevertheless, based on a resolution by the cabinet in March 1931, a Provident Fund was established for workers related to road and street construction, and in 1933, railway workers were also included under the services of this Fund. Although many aspects regulating labor relations were not addressed in the regulations of this Fund, two major objectives were ensured for the workers. Firstly, compensating workers who suffered injuries during work, and secondly, providing healthcare services to them in case of illness or work-related accidents. This paper seeks to answer the question of what social and economic factors led to the establishment of the Road Provident Fund in 1931. The claim made in this paper is that given the necessity of providing social services in road construction projects due to the high rate of illnesses and work-related accidents, the mechanism of Provident funds, by offering minimal social services at their own cost, relieved the employers of responsibilities in such matters.


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