Document Type : Research Article


Ph.D. Candidate, Department of HistoryUniversity of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Flood, as a natural hazard, was a current phenomenon in the Safavid period, and the report of its occurrence in the historiographical and traveler texts of this period had a significant reflection. Considering the impact of this natural hazard on Iranian society, this article aims to identify the process, causes, and social consequences of floods in the Safavid period. The question here, according to historical and traveler texts, occurrence of floods in the Safavid period passed what process, causes, and social consequences? This article shows that Iran experienced much climate variability during the Safavid period, leading to sudden rains and rising water in rivers. These factors caused a peak of flood overflow in the first half of 11 AH that was able to roll up most of Iran’s geography, especially in its central, southern, and northwestern regions. Furthermore, floods had fewer casualties than other natural hazards, such as earthquakes, famines, and plagues, they could significantly affect the downfall of the residential localities, specifically in urban neighborhoods, and equip a ground for people to resort to historical memory to interpret and face the floods.


Main Subjects

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