نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار گروه تاریخ دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران


انقلاب مشروطه زمینه مناسبی برای ظهور انجمنها و تشکیلات اجتماعی مختلف در سراسر ایران فراهم آورد. مسأله اصلی این پژوهش بررسی نخستین تجربۀ فعالیت تشکیلاتی و گروهی در کردستان در قالب انجنهای مشروطه­خواه و نحوۀ مواجهۀ کارگزاران قاجار با آنها در دورۀ مشروطه(1324- 1329ق) است. پرسش این است که انجمن ایالتی و ولایتی ، بلدیه و دیگر انجمنهای کردستان در چه زمانی و چگونه درست شدند؟ اساسنامه آنها چه بود و چه اقداماتی انجام دادند؟ نحوۀ تعامل نهادهای حاکمیتی با آنها چگونه بود و چرا و چگونه برچیده شدند؟ یافته­های این پژوهش که بر اساس روش توصیفی تحلیلی نوشته شده است، نشان می دهد که مشروطه­خواهان کرد با الگوبرداری از فعالیت مشروطه­خواهان تهران و آذربایجان انجمنها و تشکیلات مختلفی را در کردستان پدید آوردند و به بسط مشارکت مردم در فعالیت­های سیاسی و اجتماعی کمک کردند.در مقابل، دولتمردان حاکم که همچنان به نظام سنتی حکمرانی تمایل داشتند، با شیوه­ها و ابزارهای مختلف، مانع پیشبرد برنامه­های آنان شدند. با وجود این ، مشروطه­خواهان عقب­نشینی نکردند و کشمکش­های دو طرف تا پایان این دوره همچنان ادامه داشت.



Extended Abstract

Evaluation and analysis of the activity of associations and social organizations of Kurdistan during the constitutional period (1905-1911)

The constitutional revolution provided a suitable ground for the emergence of various associations and social organizations throughout Iran. The main issue of this research is to examine the first experience of organizational and group activity in Kurdistan in the form of constitutionalist engines and how Qajar agents faced them during the constitutional period (1329-1324 AH). The question is, when and how were the state and provincial associations, municipality and other associations of Kurdistan formed? What were their constitutions and what actions did they take? How did the governing institutions interact with them and why and how were they dismantled? The author's first hypothesis was that, contrary to the previous views, Kurdistan was quick to welcome the constitution, and the intellectuals, scholars, and bazaars of that time supported it by forming various associations and working in numerous constitutional institutions; But the findings of the research showed that the acceptance of constitutionalism in Kurdistan has gone far beyond the author's initial hypothesis and Kurdistan can be considered one of the main centers of constitutionalism in the cities after Azerbaijan and Gilan and one or two other provinces. Despite the widespread acceptance of constitutionalism, the governors sent by the government to Kurdistan and their supporters in the region severely blocked the Kurdish constitutionalists' stand and their activities. The result is that the causes of constitutional failure in Kurdistan were the same as in other regions of Iran and had nothing to do with the antipathy of the Kurdish people and men.About the constitutional history in Kurdistan in general, there have been some research works that the author has used in this article. Among them, we can refer to the doctoral thesis of Ismail Shams (1384); Under the title Kurds of Western Iran (Kurdistan and Azerbaijan): Nationality, Ethnicity and Religion from the Constitution to the 1299 Coup, Abbas Zarei Mehrovarz's doctoral thesis (1385) referred to the political and social situation of Kurdistan from the Constitution to the First World War. In his treatise, Ismail Shams mentioned some constitutionalist associations in Kurdistan and explained their activities; But these explanations are scattered in the contents of his detailed treatise and have gone to the sidelines.The contents of Zarei Mehrovarz's treatise on constitutionalist associations are adapted from Ismail Shams's treatise, and a comparative analysis of his references to constitutional newspapers shows that he did not even directly refer to the newspapers and documents he referred to, and their contents without referring to Shams. treatise, he took it from him indirectly.In his article on Kurdistan's constitution and political crisis, Mohammad Kalhor has addressed some constitutionalist associations in Kurdistan in a few lines. But since he did not use newspapers and documents in his article, his material in this regard is only a repetition of the same material that appears in the book of Marduk's history.Nader Parvaneh, in his article Kermanshah and Kurdistan in constitutionalism, only addressed the Association of Honesty among the associations of Kurdistan, and his content is only a rewrite of Muhammad Mardukh's writings on this matter. He also made serious mistakes in his analysis of associations, which seriously doubts the research value of his work.In this research, by using the theoretical framework of these studies, it has been tried to investigate all the constitutionalist associations and organizations of Kurdistan in a scientific way. The most important difference between this research and previous researches is the investigation of all official and unofficial associations of Kurdistan in connection with each other in an independent and integrated manner. In addition, by using documents, newspapers and local sources; A comprehensive analysis of these associations has been presented and many defects and mistakes of previous researches that did not use these sources have been corrected. The findings of this research show that Kurdistan was one of the main centers of constitutionalism in Iran and the Kurds welcomed constitutionalism by creating constitutionalist associations. The failure of constitutionalism in Kurdistan was also due to the same factors that prevented constitutionalism in other parts of Iran. led to a dead endKey words: Constitutionalism ؛ Kurdistan ؛ association ؛ Social organizations ؛Activity؛prevent

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