نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشجوی دوره دکتری پژوهش‌هنر دانشگاه شاهد و عضو هیأت علمی دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه سیستان بلوچستان، زاهدان، ایران،


بیان مسئله:  خلقِ آثار ارزشمندِ هنری و معماری را در هر جامعه ­ای بخش مهمی از کنش­هایِ فرهنگی­ـ ­اجتماعی محسوب می­شود. اقدامات حفاظتی و مرمتیِ احتمالی در این آثار نیز به تبعِ آن، می­تواند کنشی فرهنگی و اجتماعی باشد. عموماً امر حفاظت‌ومرمت از آثار و بناهای تاریخی را در ساحتی انسان­گرا و مدرن مورد نقد و بررسی قرار می­دهند اما می­ توان نمونه­ هایی از این دست کنش­های فرهنگی­ ـ­اجتماعی را در بستر تاریخ و دوره­ پیشامدرن یافت که از منظر هدف اگر نه به تمامی، در بخش­های عمده­ای با این رویکرد تطابق دارد.
روش پژوهش:  بر همین اساس و با جستاری توصیفی­-تحلیلی و با نظرداشت رویکرد تاریخ ­اجتماعی برخی از نمونه­ های موجود و پاره­ ای از کنش­ های مضبوط در منابع تاریخی را مورد واکاوی قرارداده ایم. پرسش اصلی این پژوهش آن است که نگهداری و مرمت بنا­های ­تاریخی به ­عنوان یک کنشِ فرهنگی ­ـ­اجتماعی  چگونه در ساحت تاریخ ­اجتماعی می­ تواند تحلیل گردد؟ پاسخ به این پرسش، از آن­ جهت اهمیت می ­یابد که اقدامات حفاظتی و مرمتی، نه الزاماً کنشی مدرن بلکه رفتاری فرهنگی، اجتماعی است که در برخی موارد با نیات سیاسی و دینی رخ داده و بخش ­هایی از زیستِ­ اجتماعی و فرهنگی مردم در جامعه پیشامدرن در ایران را روشن و قابل تحلیل می­سازد.
نتیجه: ضمن اثبات جاری­ بودن فرهنگِ توجه به بناهای ­تاریخی در طول زمان، به دلایل مختلف ازجمله؛ ارزشمندی، علقه ­های ملی و دینی و باورهای فرهنگی و اجتماعی و خواست­ه ای­ سیاسی، این فرهنگ در پدیداری نوعی آگاهی و سپس ایجاد کنش ­های اجتماعیِ حفظ ­ومرمت، و در برخی موارد نیز تخریب آثارتاریخی و فرهنگی با همان دلایل مؤثر بوده است.          



Extended Abstract

An Analytical Introduction to the Social History of the Conservation and Preservation of Historic Resources


The perception of the past and history is critical in modern thought. Though some modern ideologies denied the importance of the past, in many cases, the core definition of a modern concept was rooted in history and the past world. For instance, the concept of conservation, preservation, and restoration of historic architectural resources as an essential part of cultural heritage and artifacts to understand the past are among those ideas that emerged in modern thought. This humanistic philosophical perspective is a result of the fundamental philosophical changes in human intellectual life and their view of the world, humanity, and the artifacts that emerged post-Renaissance and expanded in the next coming centuries, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, when Romanticism and Neoclassicism theories developed. However, historical studies of architectural resources reveal evidence of social life where similar actions and, in some cases coinciding with the same goal have turned into a sociocultural aspect. It is clear that over time such activities have always been in interaction or confrontation with other issues such as governments, politics, economics and religious beliefs, which makes it a considerable subject for study and research – especially in sociocultural views of a region like Iran, where despite all improvements in preservation of historic properties, and with significant national and international preservation projects, still there are major challenges regarding the government and administration sides.

With that in mind, the question is whether there is a connection between the modern approach to preserving historic resources and its historical context as a social action. Considering the disintegrity between modernism and the general intellectual and social structure of a country like Iran, how could these actions be analyzed in social history? A study of these issues could help to find an explanation for some of those cultural actions in the past which eventually coincide with the modern world, even though there are differences in objectives.

The initial idea in this study could be that despite the differences in objectives, there are also similarities in both approaches, such as economic values, public benefits, cultural beliefs and cultural values. Research on the history of this subject shows that very rarely has it been explored from a social history or cultural praxis view. Indeed, most of the studies are focused on the history of preservation and conservation of historic resources from a technical perspective or theory. We could say that, at least in Farsi resources, there are almost zero studies on the preservation and conservation of historic and cultural resources from a historical view, particularly social and cultural history. The topic has also been neglected in international studies. Few studies mention it as a secondary subject. For instance, Jukka Jokilehto, in his book “A History of Architectural Conservation” (1999), reviews the evolution of architectural conservation methods and techniques worldwide and, more specifically, within European regions over time. He also analyzes the subject from the regulatory perspective. As a UNESCO member, he could access and review abundant documents on cultural heritage resources in many countries, including Iran, and his precision is valuable. Nevertheless, the subject of social history is left out of his studies. It is the same in the book “Cultural Heritage in Iran” by Mahdi Hojjat (2001), which only studies the subject through history without any attention to social history. As mentioned in its title, the book concentrates on finding strategies for Islamic countries. The author intends to explore religious causes and their related laws throughout history to find solutions for preserving cultural heritage in modern eras. In another view, the preservation theory has been an essential topic for the majority of published resources that also briefly discuss the history of the conservation and preservation of historic resources. Still, none of them exceed what Jokilehto discusses in his book.

Thus, to better understand the subject, I examined historical sources and travelogues as firsthand resources in this research, which could lead to relevant reports on such activities over time.

Methodology: This study, as fundamental research, uses a descriptive-analytical technique. Data gathered for this study are based on a systematic literature review of social history in historical resources and publications. All examples and relevant historical events found through the resources were evaluated and analyzed for qualification and relativity to the subject of this study.

Conclusion: Because of the connection and close relationship of the people who live in a place with architectural resources through time while it confirms the continuousness of society’s attention to historic resources over time for several reasons, including value, national and religious interest, cultural and social beliefs, and political motivations, it also creates public awareness and, subsequently, social advocacy for the conservation and preservation of historic resources, or in some cases, the opposite, destruction of cultural and historical resources for the same reasons.

Keywords: Social History of Historic Preservation, Cultural Heritage, Conservation and Preservation, Cultural History

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